Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I CAN NOT believe I forgot to write about the Art Basel! Every year I have been dying to go, but I never had the time to go. Luckily for myself, this year I got asked to work for an artist named Miguel Paredes. It was literally one of the best experiences of my life! Miguel's paintings are beautiful, they have a cool funky twist to what I thought Art Basel was going to be about. The best thing about it was, one of my favorite movies is Bring It On, and one of the actors from the movie went to his event. Gabrielle Union! I met so many people that night, and I am so thankful that I got to experience it. That saying "good things come to those who wait"... I have been waiting to go to Art Basel and not only did I go, I got asked to work it.

If you've read my old posts I talked about my car accident, honestly that accident changed my life in a good way, of course. I appreciate everything that happens, good or bad. When I told my friend about my accident she just started crying because the same way I got hit, her brother passed away because his neck snapped. My best friend just got into an accident and she has bruises and burn wounds everywhere. I walked away with nothing. It's nothing but a miracle.

                                                           (Excited to go to the Art Basel!)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Holidays

I have been slacking with these posts because of finals and my internship and working the Art Basel, everything has been so hectic! But school is finally done and I love that I can sleep in late and not worry about homework, going to school, finals. I'M FINALLY RELAXED!

The holidays are coming up and fast, but I just cant wait to spend the time with my family. I've already started decorating my house while blasting Christmas music! The month of December gets me into the best moods! I hope every one has a great winter break! Relax, hang out with friends, spend time with your families, and just enjoy life.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

All You Need Is Love

During the break I was going through a lot and I realized that I can't keep having these little pity parties about myself. I have actually started a journal of my own and I wrote this because this one night I just let everything go. Bare with me, I usually never get this negative or at least I try not to, but in a way I am glad I did just because I learned that in life you are given two chooses which is deciding whether you should move on or hold on a little tighter. Move on, and maybe you'll lose a chance at the best thing that could have ever happened, or hold on and have the possibility of one day it being the biggest disaster ever created. So here is a section of what I wrote in my journal: 

"Life can be so unfair. I put someone who I really cared for first and they put me second. I studied my ass off for my midterm, but still I got C. I give 110% in a relationship to someone when he only gave me 40%. I was there for my best friend, whatever she needed I was always there. And now we don't even talk. I cared so much about someone who does not care enough about me to say "hi" to me. I gave someone my time and they give me "sorry, I’m busy." It seems like I'm giving everyone my everything and they’re just walking away and giving nothing back." 

PITY PARTY! I KNOW! I re-read that today and I got so upset just for the fact that I did not know how many things were actually bothering me. The picture that I put up really helped me out because yes it does get better, but only do YOU have the power to make it better. I let everything I felt out and now I feel like a new person and I am so proud of myself for doing that. This video is a song from Rascal Flatts called Unstoppable. Every time I am having a rough day every song of theirs turns my day around so fast. They are an amazing band and ALL of their songs are very touching and inspiring. This song in particular helped me literally right after I wrote in my journal. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Maddi Jane

Last night I couldn't sleep so I decided to go on YouTube for no apparent reason, something just told me to go on it. Once I did I don't know how I stumbled onto this singer but she blew me away. I researched her a little afterwards and she is only 12 years old! Her videos became so popular that she got on Ellen! Maddi Jane has a beautiful voice and she is so talented. After watching all of her videos and listening to her I didn't notice that it was 3 in the morning.

I know this is kinda irrelevant to my blog because I am always talking about being positive and to live your life to the fullest, but in a way this is relevant just because I had no reason to go on YouTube and I did. Everything does happen for a reason and I really do hope that she gets far with her career.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You Take The Good, and Accept The Bad

I didn't write at all last week, not because I forgot or that I didn't want too, it was because on Thursday I got into a car accident. To be honest it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I'm not writing about this so everyone who reads this feels sorry for me, but I'm writing it because I want to let everyone know how special each and every one of you are to be alive at this very moment. Don't get me wrong I loved my life before this accident and I thanked God everyday that I got to live another day. But the fact that the police officer told me that it was a miracle that I did not need any medical attention at the scene really hit me hard. The police officer told me that usually she sees the person that got hit like me with a broken something or even worse killed. I walked out of my car with only 2 bruises.

I learned through all of this that even if you think you are having a bad day, try to think of something positive that has happened to you. "As you breathe right now, another person takes his last, so stop complaining and learn to live your life with what you got." I saw that quote this weekend, ironic isn't it? We always read or see something that is ironic to our situation. Either way that quote is right. Another thing that I realized this weekend is that we just have to accept the fact that some people are going to stay in our hearts, even if they don't stay in our lives. You only have one time to live your life, don't waste it on being negative, THINK POSITIVE! :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

It means no worries...

This weekend I watched The Lion King with my family and every time I watch that movie it always brings me back to when I was a little girl and that my only "problem" was that I wasn't allowed to play outside with my friends or stay up late. I feel that mostly everyone stresses over the littlest things, that nobody appreciates how lucky they are for just waking up in the morning. I'm not saying that everyday is going to be worth waking up in the morning for, it's not always going to be perfect. But with everything you still have to move on, you have to get up or you'll never stumble upon the days that really, truly are worth waking up for. In the movie, my favorite part is when the monkey tells Simba "yes the past may hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it." Everyday is a new challenge and I believe that every one should make it seem like that, because some people just wake up and let life happen to them. The way I see it we should really live life, embrace it, taking everything that is happening to you and get the positive out of everything.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Okay, well I had to make this blog because it was a requirement for a class that I am taking and the first assignment was to pick a topic that we were going to base this blog on. To be honest I have no idea what to write about but I guess I can start by just writing about how I feel about life. 

I've learned through my past experiences that life is too short and you should be grateful of everything that comes to you good or bad. That cliche saying "everything happens for a reason", I totally believe in it. Why? Well because I believe that you should take chances ALOT of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up and with who, it always ends up just the way it should be. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, we all make mistakes everyday, you're mistakes make you who you are. You learn and grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth it. In my personal experiences you should ALWAYS say how you feel, always, no matter how crazy it is, just say how you feel. Be you and be okay with it.